Thursday, November 8, 2012

Getting Back to the Bench

Not gonna lie, fall was a little rougher than I thought. And not just in terms of a startling lack of hobby time.

I don't often get sick, but it seems like I've been fighting one darn thing or another since the beginning of October. There's been the usual sore throats, coughs and sniffles, of course. But I also had a routine doctor visit in there that resulted in a tetanus shot update that pretty much made my left arm useless for several days, and a flu shot that may or may not have contributed to me missing two days of work the following week.

Throw in the usual zaniness of family activities, my wife having obligations for several nights along in there while I watched the kids, getting the house and yard cleared up for winter, and I haven't gotten much done at the bench. I think I've also mentioned I have lost my morning "me time" as well, since I now get the kids up and ready to go. I'm just not quite ready to drag myself out of bed any earlier to get that back. Less sleep = more sick!

Last night, though, I finally got to sit down for a brief period and work on that HMS Trafalgar model a bit. My wife signed the girls up for a weekly gymnastics class, and she took them so I could stay home for a bit. It was only a bit more than an hour, and I also did some bill paying and internet wandering in there, but it was a rare nice thing to put on some music and sit at my workbench again. Hopefully I can get back to doing that more often - at least every Wednesday for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I hear what you are saying, don’t have the kids to worry about but just getting time to sit down at the bench can be difficult. Good luck in making a start again.
