First: He lives! Yes, it's been a while, but here I am.
Second: I return with a joke about this summer weather, Michigan U.P. style...
Toivu: "Boy, I sure wish it would snow."
Raino: "No way, eh. It's too hot to shovel!"
I'm here all week folks...
But yes, it is the weather that is partially responsible for my return. It's been so miserably hot and humid, it's best to just spend time inside. Kind of like winter. And what does one do then? Paint!
So after a few months hiatus, I actually sat down and worked on a few CY6 planes last night and earlier today. With any luck, I'll even take some photos soon.
So what's been going on since our last interaction? A few highlights:
1. Work. Especially in May, it got nutty.
2. Family stuff. Somehow May and June always get busy with family stuff. This year was no exception. Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthdays, graduations... only so much can get crammed into a weekend. Oh, and now my parents are selling their house.
3. Indy. Yup, went again, 33rd time. Awesome, as usual. Then actually went back with the family to Indianapolis a few weeks later for a weekend getaway.
4. Camping. Got the camper out for the first time in two years and took it on a long weekend. Amazingly, other than needing new valve stems for the tires, everything else still worked!
5. Gardening/yard. Always time consuming in spring and early summer.
6. Hobby stuff. OK, what you care about. Alas, not much. I set up the slot car track and ran a few cars around. Had a couple model rocket launches. Worked a small bit on some 1/25 Indy cars. But gaming wise, next to nothing. Well, that's not entirely true. I bought some minis in there that who knows when I will get to paint! Future posts shall deal with those.
For now, good seeing everyone again. I'll try to do better!